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The meeting was held at Bill Bouffard’s house from 6:30pm until 7:10pm.
Attendance – There were 9 members in attendance.
Meeting Minutes –
- Accepted without discussion.
Treasurer’s Report –
- N/A
Membership Officers Report –
- N/A
Landowners Report
- N/A
Trail Master’s Report –
- The Blue Ranger is at Abbott’s being serviced. They’re working directly with Polaris to trouble shoot the problems.
- There’s still a few areas needing some work to close the trails and prepare for summer. These will be completed in the next few weeks.
- The Wormell field is being developed by two developers with around 200 units going in. The club is in constant discussions with the city and the developer to ensure the trails remain open
in these areas. There will be more updates as the work progresses. - There are a few items discussed for next year’s project list:
- The bridge on the Cave Trail near the Junior High Trail needs to be reworked (maybe moved).
- The Culvert on the Wormell loop heading to Falmouth needs top be repaired.
Digital Officer
- N/A
New Business –
- This is the last meeting for the season. We will plan to meet this summer to discuss fund raising
opportunities and how we can do work on the trail system during the summer months.
The time and date for the next meeting will determined at a later date. Keep on the lookout for
notifications for the nest meeting on Facebook and our web site.
These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written
anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be
addressed prior to the next meeting.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr