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Meeting Minutes for 12/01/2021
The meeting was held at Bill Bouffard’s house from 6:00pm until 7:45pm.
Attendance – There we’re 15 members.
Meeting Minutes
- N/A
Treasurer’s Report
- Jeff provided an overview of the status of the accounts.
- MSA raffle tickets around 700 sold
- $100 donation to Presumpscot land trust was sent on the Club’s behalf.
- We will be doing the fund raiser at Little League Tournaments again next year.
- $1500 to Little League Foundation from the proceeds of this fundraiser.
- Fill out your logs. One for grooming and trail maintenance, one for equipment servicing and one for administrative work.
- Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Bill B, 2nd was made by Ray. Motion passed
Membership Officers Report
- We currently have 46 total paid members this year
- Motion to accept the Membership report was made by Ray, 2nd made by Randy. Motion passed unanimously.
Landowners Report
- The trash that was illegally dumped behind the old dump has been picked up by the city.
- Everybody is encouraged to report any dumping they see to the Westbrook Police Department.
- Motion to accept the Landowner’s report was made by Ray, 2nd made by Bill B. Motion passed unanimously.
Information Officer
- Bill B discussed the Bonfire at Lenny’s this year. Bill U is happy to have it in his back lot. The bonfire will be held on January 29th this year. Final planning is still to be worked out.
- The Christmas Party at the Frog and Turtle is looking to be a great turnout. Invite friends and family. Everybody is encouraged to make reservations for a table if you want to sit and eat dinner. We’re shooting for 100 people to attend. Doors open at 6:00. Mention that you are with the club at the door.
- Bill H will contact the top 10 landowners and invite them to attend.
- Motion to accept the Information Officer’s report was made by Jeff C, 2nd made by Jeff T. Motion passed unanimously.
Trail Master’s Report
- The marking of the golf course trail is complete. Remind people to stay on marked trails and not to ride around on the golf course or we could lose it.
- Oil change kits and other fluids for the Rangers that were purchased from Abbott’s were distributed by Lance.
- Anthony shared a list of equipment needed for each Ranger. People responsible each Ranger will check the equipment to make sure this is done.
- New Club Property
- The proposal to the city for the new club property was read and discussed.
- Discussions were held on access, power requirements and sewage which will be 600 gallon holding tank.
- Confirmation that Shaw Brothers has granted us access.
- A motion to submit the proposal was made by Ray motion 2nd by Tom. Motion passed unanimously.
- The trail to CeCe’s Diner will be opened once the ground freezes.
- The safety equipment and tools kits list for each groomer were reviewed. Motion for Mark L to purchase 5 kits of tools and safety equipment was made by Lance 2nd by Ray. Motion passed unanimously.
- The trail from Wagon Wheel trail to the Pipeline is done.
- Tom is looking into purchasing combo locks for the club.
Digital Officer
- Facebook engagement is up 90%.
- MSA raffle tickets sales are done. We sold far more than the club has done in the past. Big thanks to Brandy Cobbett (and Jeff) for processing them.
- Remember to send pictures and a brief write up to Jeff on work being done by the club so he can post our progress on Facebook.
- Everyone is encouraged like and share our posts on social media whenever possible.
- The next meeting will be held on January 12th at 6:00 at Bill Bouffard’s house.
These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be addressed prior to the next meeting.
Think snow everybody! Lots and lots of snow.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr