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Meeting Minutes for 10/13/2021
The meeting was held at Anthony Latini’s house from 6:00pm until 7:30pm.
Attendance – There were 14 members.
Meeting Minutes
- There were a few house keeping items discussed on the previous meeting minutes that will be
corrected. - A motion was made to accept the minutes pending house keeping by Bill B, 2nd by Ray. Motion
passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
- Jeff provided an overview of the status of the accounts.
- Jeff reported that there will be an increase in the state grant funds for the 2021-2022 season.
- Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Ray, 2nd was made by Bill B. Motion passed
Membership Officers Report
- Tom reported that there were data entry issues with the state last year which caused some of
our members to not be registered with the state. He’s working through the issues with the
appropriate people. The issues should not re-occur this coming year. - The letter being sent to registered sled owners was reviewed by the members.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Anthony, 2nd was made by Bill H. Motion passed
Landowners Report
· The new development on the North side of Brook Street was discussed. The trail will need to be
re-routed once the work starts. Dan M is working with the developer on the details.
Trail Master’s Report
- Maintaining the distribution of the keys for the gate locks has been causing issues for the last
few years. It was suggested that the club purchase 10 new combination locks to replace the
exist keyed locks. The new combination locks will allow us to have the same combination for all
gates removing the need to keep up to date keys. - We will table the new trail to the skating rink on Lincoln Street until next year.
- The drags behind Anthony’s house will be distributed to the appropriate locations in the next
week or so. - There is still one bridge near Brown Trout bridge needing significant work. A work detail will
organized to fix it in the coming weeks. - Work crews will be picking up the old bridge materials from the sides of the trails and bringing
them to the Methodist Road “Dump”. Ray will take the material from there and properly
dispose them. - A motion to purchase a new club chainsaw and a pole saw for a total of $1,030.78 was made by
Randy, 2nd by Anthony. After a brief discussion the motion passed unanimously. - The trail from River Road to the train tracks needs to be bush hogged. The bridge on the same
trail should surveyed to see if it needs work.
Digital Officer
- Everyone is encouraged like and share our posts on social media whenever possible.
New Business
- Members discussed reimbursing the Little League for repairing their tractor for damages caused
by us for the amount of $192.85. Motion made by Lance. 2nd by Anthony. - A motion was made by Bill B, 2nd by Bill H to donate $100 to the Presumpscot Land Trust. The
vote was unanimous to make the donation. - The extended warranty on the new Ranger was discussed. A motion to purchase the four year
extended warranty through Abbot’s for a total of $1,192 was made by Anthony, 2nd by Billy H.
The next meeting will be held on October 27thth at 6:00 at Bill Bouffard’s house.
These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written
anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be
addressed prior to the next meeting.
Think snow everybody! Lots and lots of snow.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr