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Meeting Minutes for 11/3/2021
The meeting was held at Bill Bouffard’s house from 6:00pm until 7:30pm.
Attendance – There were 12 members.
Meeting Minutes –
- N/A
Treasurer’s Report –
- Jeff provided an overview of the status of the accounts.
- Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Anthony, 2nd was made by Bill B. Motion passed unanimously.
Membership Officers Report –
- Tom reported that Paypal was having issues. Jeff C will investigate them and get back to us.
Landowners Report –
- The new development on the North side of Brook Street was discussed. The trail will need to be re-routed once the work starts. Dan M is working with the developer on the details.
Trail Master’s Report –
- Signing and clearing trails and removing old bridge material from the woods is still underway.
- The trail to the skating rink on Lincoln Street will be put on hold until next season.
- Extensive discussions were held on the land located on the Shaw Brothers Road for the possibility of a centrally located club house. A vote was taken to confirm that the club members want to move forward with this project. Motion made by Anthony, 2nd by Randy. The vote was unanimous to move forward and develop a plan for the property to be reviewed in the near future. Dan will generate a letter expressing the club’s interest and vision of the area.
- A discussion was held on the safety kits that should be with all grooming equipment. A list will be generated and discussed at the next meeting.
Digital Officer –
- MSA raffle tickets are coming to an end with a large amount being sold through the web site. Jeff will coordinate when to stop offering them to ensure we can get them to the state office in time.
- Everyone is encouraged like and share our posts on social media whenever possible.
New Business –
The next meeting will be held on November 17thth at 6:00 at Bill Bouffard’s house.
These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be addressed prior to the next meeting.
Think snow everybody! Lots and lots of snow.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr