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The meeting was held at Anthony Latini’s house from 6:30pm until 7:45pm.
Attendance – There were 14 members in attendance.
Meeting Minutes:
The minutes from the previous meeting were discussed. There were no issues with them. Motion to accept the minutes was made by Ray, 2nd was by Anthony. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
- The club’s financial status was briefly discussed.
- More raffle tickets were distributed among the members.
- The club’s current liability insurance provider will not be offering this coverage after the end of April 2021. A new provider is being looed into so we do not have lapse in coverage.
- New 2021 logs will be distributed with the meeting minutes and be made available at future meetings.
- There are two separate logs that need to go to the state. They are the same form but you have to check off the appropriate box on the upper right hand corner of the form.(See below)
- Club Related Administration log.
- Trail Maintenance and Grooming log.
- These have to be filled out and submitted to the state separately. Please make sure these are submitted to Jeff T when the deadline is communicated. Keep in mind without these logs we do not qualify for the state funding program at the end of the year.
- There are two separate logs that need to go to the state. They are the same form but you have to check off the appropriate box on the upper right hand corner of the form.(See below)

- Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Tom. Motion passed unanimously.
Membership Officers Report:
- We’re working on the letter that will be going out to registered snowmobilers in the city.
- We will also do a mass email with the letter.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Lance, 2nd by Ray. Motion passed unanimously.
Landowners Report:
- Dan and Mark will be meeting with Chase in the coming weeks to discuss continued access through the back of the Chase office’s lot on Rt 302. They will report their findings at the next meeting.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Tom, 2nd by Ray. Motion passed unanimously.
Trail Master’s Report:
- Rangers, Bearcat and Sportsman are all prep’d and ready for trail work.
- #3 bridge on the Junior High Trail needs new ramps.
- The little league tractor will have the clubs bush hogg attached to it and work will resume on that this weekend.
- All trail and sign stakes will be painted fluorescent orange.
- The DR Mower bush hogg is having a new gas tank shipped to us. It will be installed and back up and running as soon as it arrives. This is a warranty item. We also received two new belts which were purchased by Lance.
- There will be a work crew going out Sunday the 11th to repair the bridge near the Wormell Loop.
- A list of materials was generated based on the trail surveys that were done over the last week. Anthony will place the order from Hillside for the boards, nail guns nails and other miscellaneous items.
- There was a discussion about numbering all of the bridges and formerly naming the trails in order to easily identify work locations and post the trail conditions on-line. This will be completed so we can add this to the new trail maps.
- The annual sign order has been placed with the state.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Tom. Motion passed unanimously.
Digital Officer:
- We’ve seen a large up tick in traffic one our web page. We want to take advantage of this and have this continue. One way to do this is to post pictures of the work we’re doing on the system so please ensure that you send pictures to Jeff Cobbet so he can post them on the web.
- Brandy Cobbett has been processing the raffle tickets that were purchased through the web site. She’s been filling out the tickets, taking pictures of them and texting the pictures back to the purchaser’s. Great work!
New Business:
- Repainting the Kiosks will be completed using alternative labor resources. Details will be coordinated by Dan M.
- A meeting was held with city officials. The topics discussed were:
- A proposal to have a club house built near the Community Center. The building that was discussed would have a three bay garage with doors on both sides of the building, a space for meetings and office work and possibly a lean too for a warming hut during winter months for snowmobilers, hikers and fat tire bikers making it a multi-use building.
- New developments are to consider the impact of the snowmobile trail system during the planning process. The city has added this to the list of criteria when reviewing new developments in the city.
- The funding to purchase a replacement Ranger was discussed. Anthony will have a quote generated for a fully equipped Ranger for future discussions.
The next meeting will be held at Anthony Latini’s house on Thursday 10/22/2020 at 6:30PM.
These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be addressed prior to the next meeting.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr