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The meeting was held at Anthony Latini’s house from 6:30pm until 7:45pm.
Attendance – There were 17 members in attendance.
Meeting Minutes –
- The minutes from the previous meeting were discussed. There were no issues with the minutes. Motion to accept the minutes was made by Bill B, 2nd was by Ray. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report –
- No formal report but the club’s financial status was briefly discussed by Dan M.
- No major changes since the last report.
- All raffle tickets should be brought to the next meeting so they can be forwarded to the state.
Membership Officers Report –
- We’re working on the letter that will be going out to registered snowmobilers in the city.
- Everybody is encouraged to bring someone new to each of the meetings to promote the club and increase membership.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Bill B. Motion passed unanimously.
Landowners Report
- No issues with landowners to report.
- Mark and Jason will walk the connector trail into Falmouth to touch base with the landowner. He’s been putting up his own trail signs but they will touch base with him and offer assistance if he wants it.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Anthony. Motion passed unanimously.
Trail Master’s Report –
- We have two crews going out Sunday. One of each side of the system. The focus will be on signing, cutting back the trails and putting the finishing touches on sections of the trail system.
- The prep work for switching over to grooming mode was discussed but we’ll wait for a while until the fall prep work is complete.
- The little league tractor will be used Sunday to cut back the Junior High Trail. Afterwards, it will be brought back to the Little League field garage. As always, a big thank you to the Little League for helping the club out so we can clean up the trail system. It’s good to see organizations in the city supporting each other.
- Our current inventory of signs, backers and stakes have been distributed throughout the work crews. The plan to restock these items was discussed and will be done prior to this Sunday’s work.
- The DR Mower bush hogg is having a replacement muffler shipped to the club. This is a warranty item. Lance will install it when it arrives.
- Anthony is tracking down the sign order.
- New trail maps for the kiosks are in.
- All the Kiosks have been repainted. We’ll be working on resigning them with the new trail maps and additional signs this coming weekend. The Latini’s will then label the kiosk maps with “YOU ARE HERE” once they’ve been put up.
- The replacement gate for Duck Pond Road will now be reallocated to the Methodist Road crossing at the end of the Poitras trail. Dan and Mark will confirm that this is ok with the landowner prior to having it installed.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Jeff C. Motion passed unanimously.
Digital Officer –
- We had a lot of traffic on our social media pages.
- Everyone is encouraged to like and share
- Raffle tickets continue to be sold through the web site. Great job processing those tickets Brandy C. Keep up the good work.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Bill B. Motion passed unanimously.
New Business –
- Discussions with the city were discussed. More on that on future meetings minutes.
The next meeting will be held at Anthony Latini’s house on Thursday 11/5/2020 at 6:30PM.
These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be addressed prior to the next meeting.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr