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The meeting was held at Anthony Latini’s house from 6:30pm until 7:15pm.
Attendance – There were 16 members in attendance.
Meeting Minutes –
- The minutes from the previous meeting were discussed. There were no issues with the minutes.
- Motion to accept the minutes was made by Bill H, 2nd was by Wally. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report –
- Jeff reviewed the current status of the accounts.
- No major changes since the last report.
- Raffle tickets were gathered. If you have more please make arrangements to get them to Jeff ASAP.
- Motion to accept the minutes was made by Ray, 2nd was by Bill H. Motion passed unanimously.
Membership Officers Report –
- N/A
Landowners Report
- N/A
Trail Master’s Report –
- We have two crews going out Sunday. One for each side of the system. The focus will be patching and signing bridges 3 and 4. Another crew will work on the Tricycle Trail heading into Falmouth.
- We’ll have a crew pulling out the drags at Latini’s and assessing them for preparations for this coming season.
- The PTO bush hog has to be transported back to Dan Brackets. This is currently at the Little League Field.
- The DR Mower bush back up and running with a new exhaust and battery relocation kit , new wheels all supplied under warranty by DR Mower.
- The Blue Ranger is out of service. Lance and Jason will put a new fuel pump in it. If this doesn’t fix the problem, the Ranger will be dropped off at Abbot’s for repairs, a full service and to have the tracks installed.
- Anthony is meeting with the Gas Company this week to workout some issues on the Poitras Trail. More news to come on this in the future.
- Bill Fournelle has once again graciously offered his services and excavator for a day of work which will happen over the next few weeks. Big thanks to Bill for offering his time and equipment.
- Anthony is still tracking down the sign order.
- Resigning the Kiosk’s with the new trail maps and additional signs is on the schedule for this weekend. The Latini’s will label the kiosk maps with “YOU ARE HERE” once they’ve been put up.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Jeff C. Motion passed unanimously.
Digital Officer –
- We be sending a second mass emailing this upcoming next week.
- Everyone is encouraged t like and share our posts on social media whenever possible.
New Business –
- Randy is in discussions with Greg Post who’s asked us to groom a trail behind the Rec Center for none snowmobile use. All members present were happy to do it. Randy will work out the details with Greg on where they’d like to have the trail.
The next meeting will be held at Advanced Leach Field which is located at 872 Riverside Drive in Portland on Thursday 11/19/2020 at 6:30PM.
These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be addressed prior to the next meeting.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr