Meeting Minutes 09-10-2020

The meeting was held at Anthony Latini’s house from 6:30pm until 7:45pm.

Attendance – There were 17 members in attendance.

Treasurer’s Report –

  • The club’s financial status was discussed along with last year’s income and expenses.
  • Raffle tickets were distributed among the members.
  • The club has no outstanding loans.
  • Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Lance. Motion passed unanimously.

Open Discussion on New Board Position

  • There were discussions to create a new board position for the clubs Digital Officer.
  • Jeff Cobbett has been managing the web page, new membership application forms and the
    Paypal functionality as it pertains to the web page.
  • Due to the importance of this work it was determined that a board position should be created
    for this work.
  • A motion was made to create a new board position by Dan M with a second from Lance. The
    vote passed unanimously. Jeff Cobbett was then nominated by Dan M with a second by Lance as
    the club’s web master. The vote passed unanimously.

Officer Elections
Nominations were discussed for each position with the following results.

President – Dan McCarthy was nominated by Ray Senior, 2nd by Lance. The vote passed unanimously.
Vice President – Randy Macwhinnie was nominated by Jeff C, 2nd by Jim M. The vote passed
Treasurer – Jeff Todd was nominated by Jeff C, 2nd by Jim M. The vote passed unanimously.
Secretary – Lance Cyr was nominated by Jim M, 2nd by Bill H. The vote passed unanimously.
Trail Master – Anthony Latini was nominated by Bill H, 2nd by Ray Senior. The vote passed unanimously.
Assistant Trail Master – Jason Philbrook was nominated by Batch, 2nd by Ray Senior. The vote passed
Assistant Trail Master – Wally Carey was nominated by Mark L, 2nd by Anthony. The vote passed
Membership Officer – Tom England was nominated by Jeff, 2nd by Jim M. The vote passed unanimously.
Landowner Relations Officer – Mark Lapierre was nominated by Dan M, 2nd by Ray Senior. The vote
passed unanimously.
Information Officer – Bill Bouffard was nominated by Bill H, 2nd by Dan M. The vote passed unanimously.
Equipment Officer – Dan Bracket was nominated by Dan M, 2nd by Anthony. The vote passed

New Business

  • We’ll be getting a jump start on trail maps for this season. Jeff T will work on getting 12 Kiosk
    maps and 200 Trail maps on order.
  • All equipment that’s currently at John’s Batchelder’s house will be moved to either Jason
    Philbrook’s house or Mark Lapierre’s house as soon as possible.
  • Anthony will take inventory of trail supplies. This will be discussed at the next meeting
  • Club members are asked to survey the trail systems for work that will be needed to be done this
    fall. We’ll discuss the results at the next meeting.
  • Repainting the Kiosks will be done this fall.

The next meeting will be held at Anthony Latini’s house on Wednesday 10/5/2020 at 6:30PM.

These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written
anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be
addressed prior to the next meeting.

Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr

Meeting Minutes 09-05-2019

The meeting was held at Anthony Latini’s house from 6:30pm until 7:45pm.

Attendance – There were 13 members in attendance.

Meeting Minutes 11-29-2018

The meeting was held at Bill Bouffard’s house from 6:30pm until 7:45pm.

Attendance – There were 12 members in attendance.

Farmers’ Almanac predicts Maine is in for a long, snowy winter

The 2019 Farmers’ Almanac was published Monday, and with it comes a hotly (or coldly, as the case may be) anticipated bit of meteorological prognosticating: the Almanac’s yearly winter predictions.

Gas up those snowblowers, folks: it’s going to be a long, cold, snowy winter.

“Contrary to some stories floating around on the internet, our time-tested, long-range formula is pointing towards a very long, cold and snow-filled winter,” Farmers’ Almanac editor Peter Geiger said in a statement Monday. “We stand by our forecast and formula, which accurately predicted most of the winter storms last year as well as this summer’s steamy, hot conditions.”

-Bangor Daily News

9-27-2018 Club Meeting Minutes

The meeting was held at Anthony Latini’s house from 6:30pm until 7:45pm.
Attendance – There were 14 members in attendance.
Secretaries Report – The secretary’s report was reviewed and accepted. Motion to accept made by Ray,
2nd by Bill H.
Treasurer’s Report – The accounts were reviewed and the financial health of the club was discussed.
Motion to accept the report was made by Randy M, 2nd by Bill H. The report was accepted.
Membership Report –
· We are looking for members to renew their memberships as well as bring in new people in to
grow our membership and workforce. Let’s spread the word to everyone.
· Bill H will get the snowmobile registration list from the city to generate a mailing list for the
membership letter.
· Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Jeff. The report was accepted.
Land Owners Report –
· Batch and Dan M will be visiting some of the landowners to discuss the trail system.
Information Officer – N/A
Trail Masters Report
· The trail system is being surveyed over the next week and work crews will be developed
based on what’s found.
· There’s a chance of getting surplus snow fencing from the Windham Club.
· Millbrook Bridge needs the brush cleared out from around it.
· Materials for the annual trail maintenance projects were discussed,
o Anthony will order 200pcs 2”x10”x10’ rough cut boards and strapping for bridge redecking
· The locations of where the equipment will be kept during grooming season was reviewed.
o Sportsman will be at Batch’s house.
o New Bearcat will be at Dan M’s house.
o Old Bearcat will be at Jason Philbrook’s house.
o Both Ranger’s will be stored at Anthony L’s house.
All members wishing to participate in grooming MUST be certified by the state. Once
certified you must ride with an experienced groomer to become familiar with the trail
hazards before taking one out alone. If you’re interested in grooming attend the next
meeting to discuss the details.
Other Business –
· Further discussions were held about purchasing a stand-alone, self-powered bush hog that can
be towed behind the Rangers or Sportsman.
o John Batchelder introduced options with pricing for discussion.
o A few members had contacted other clubs that have this equipment. The clubs had very
favorable input on it. However, the use of a larger bush hogg was still recommended for
the larger areas.
o After a very long discussion, a motion was made to purchase a 44” DR-20 Bush Hogg by
Lance C and 2nd by Batch. The motion passed unanimously.
· This year’s Christmas Party will be held on Saturday 12/8/2018. It will start at 6:00PM with the
band starting at 8:00. Lenny’s has confirmed that they would be happy to have us back for this
year’s Xmas Party.
· A new position of Equipment Maintenance Manager was discussed. This person in this position
will coordinate what’s needed to maintain the equipment. Jim M made a motion to add this new
officer’s role into the bi-laws, 2nd was by Randy M. The motion passed unanimously. Dan Bracket
was discussed as a good person to have this position.
· A discussion was held to revise the bi-laws to change the mandatory monthly meeting from the
2nd Wednesday to the 2nd Thursday of the month was discussed. A motion was made to revise
the days by Dan M, 2nd by Jeff. The motion passed unanimously.
· Dan McCarthy is scheduled to meet with the Portland Land Trust to discuss the two trail systems
and how work even more together in the future.
The next meeting will be held at Billy Bouffard’s house at 90 Country Lane. It will start at 6:30PM on
Thursday 10/18/2018.
These minutes are based on the information I’ve gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written
anything that someone finds to be inaccurate please let me know so the potential issues can be
addressed prior to the next meeting.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr

2018-2019 Long Range Weather Forecast for Portland, ME

See long range weather forecasts for the next 60 days from The Old Farmer’s Almanac! Our long range forecasts can be used to make more informed decisions about future plans that depend on the weather, from vacations and weddings to sporting events and outdoor activities.

To see long term forecasts for the entire year, pick up a copy of the annual Old Farmer’s Almanac, available online and in stores.

Note: Long range forecasts are regional, not city-specific.