The meeting was held at Anthony Latini’s house from 6:30pm until 7:45pm.
Attendance – There were 17 members in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report –
- The club’s financial status was discussed along with last year’s income and expenses.
- Raffle tickets were distributed among the members.
- The club has no outstanding loans.
- Motion to accept the report was made by Ray, 2nd by Lance. Motion passed unanimously.
Open Discussion on New Board Position
- There were discussions to create a new board position for the clubs Digital Officer.
- Jeff Cobbett has been managing the web page, new membership application forms and the
Paypal functionality as it pertains to the web page. - Due to the importance of this work it was determined that a board position should be created
for this work. - A motion was made to create a new board position by Dan M with a second from Lance. The
vote passed unanimously. Jeff Cobbett was then nominated by Dan M with a second by Lance as
the club’s web master. The vote passed unanimously.
Officer Elections
Nominations were discussed for each position with the following results.
President – Dan McCarthy was nominated by Ray Senior, 2nd by Lance. The vote passed unanimously.
Vice President – Randy Macwhinnie was nominated by Jeff C, 2nd by Jim M. The vote passed
Treasurer – Jeff Todd was nominated by Jeff C, 2nd by Jim M. The vote passed unanimously.
Secretary – Lance Cyr was nominated by Jim M, 2nd by Bill H. The vote passed unanimously.
Trail Master – Anthony Latini was nominated by Bill H, 2nd by Ray Senior. The vote passed unanimously.
Assistant Trail Master – Jason Philbrook was nominated by Batch, 2nd by Ray Senior. The vote passed
Assistant Trail Master – Wally Carey was nominated by Mark L, 2nd by Anthony. The vote passed
Membership Officer – Tom England was nominated by Jeff, 2nd by Jim M. The vote passed unanimously.
Landowner Relations Officer – Mark Lapierre was nominated by Dan M, 2nd by Ray Senior. The vote
passed unanimously.
Information Officer – Bill Bouffard was nominated by Bill H, 2nd by Dan M. The vote passed unanimously.
Equipment Officer – Dan Bracket was nominated by Dan M, 2nd by Anthony. The vote passed
New Business
- We’ll be getting a jump start on trail maps for this season. Jeff T will work on getting 12 Kiosk
maps and 200 Trail maps on order. - All equipment that’s currently at John’s Batchelder’s house will be moved to either Jason
Philbrook’s house or Mark Lapierre’s house as soon as possible. - Anthony will take inventory of trail supplies. This will be discussed at the next meeting
- Club members are asked to survey the trail systems for work that will be needed to be done this
fall. We’ll discuss the results at the next meeting. - Repainting the Kiosks will be done this fall.
The next meeting will be held at Anthony Latini’s house on Wednesday 10/5/2020 at 6:30PM.
These minutes are based on the information I have gathered during the meeting. If I’ve written
anything that someone finds to be inaccurate, please let me know so the potential issues can be
addressed prior to the next meeting.
Club Secretary,
Lance Cyr